Registro secuencial

Preparación y contenidos para el proyecto

Aula Virtual en Edmodo

Los alumnos y docentes participan en un grupo cerrado en la red social educativa Edmodo.
Allí se comparte material y recursos. Integrando el diálogo y propuestas más allá de las horas de clase.

Tableros digitales compartidos de información gráfica de la WW1 en Pinterest

Prezi colaborativo con los contenidos básicos de historia sobre la WWI (en inglés).

Documentos de registro grupal 

Los alumnos elaboraron un registro secuencial para el proceso de contrucci{on de las trincheras en inglés. Compartimos algunas producciones.

Group Work 

Pedro Podgaetzky : Principal Player
Matías Del Curto : Second Player
Sofia Boulay: Register
Lucía Salvagni: Responsible


1) Choose a design of a trench .
2) Go to Minecraft and find a place.
3) Find the other players.
4) Start building in the new terrain.
5) Build the trench.
6) Finish trench.

What it is our Minecraft project about?

Our Minecraft project it is about ww1. We are building trenches where the soldiers stayed during the war, where they practically lived, because the war could last months or years!!Like this one that lasted four years. However, three of them were stalemate.

The group work!!

This is a very hard project because we have to work all in groups and there is only one computer for each group to play with Minecraft. We have been doing this project for 4 classes. Each member of the group has different roles, but we can change them .Ex: register everything and Pedro is the player.  We can change roles: I play and he writes. Then another one changes my role and then another.

Our Minecraft trenches position

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